Ever wondered how to create passive income with information products? Its a powerful way of increasing your profits.
Too many newer marketers dont even realize this is possible, when they first start their internet marketing journey.
Many of them have heard about passive income from products, but theyre so busy focusing on all the many hats they have to wear (and marketing modalities they have to juggle) that it slips out of mind.
The truth is, when you have an information product set up on its own website, with a sales letter or in a marketing network such as Clickbank you have a passive income mine just floating in the waters, waiting for people to hit it, so you can score.
Thats putting it rather bluntly, of course.
But the other thing you need to know if you leave it just to float there in the vast ocean of web products, chances are youll never make more than a drop in the bucket.
If its one of those products that sold barely any copies, now might be a good time to take it out and re-examine it. If youre happy the product is a good one, theres no reason why it shouldn't be able to create passive income for you.
Lets check to see if theres anything more we can do, to give it more fire-power
7-Point Promotion Checklist
Have you:
Tweeted about it on Twitter? Facebook? FriendFeed?
Gathered testimonials?
Performed good SEO practices?
Announced it to your forums or mastermind groups?
Used focused article marketing?
Sent out press releases?
Done your best to help create a buzz?
If youve answered yes to these questions, there may still be one thing more you have to do and its actually the most important: Set up an affiliate program for it!
The real key to making passive income with information products lies in having lots of affiliates to market the product for you.
Even if youre giving them a hefty commission, its worth it because youre building your list with pre-qualified prospects your affiliates have steered your way and the next time you launch a product, youll have far more people to introduce it to.
Dont just look laterally in your bid to find affiliates. If your product is not too low-ticket an item, approach big name affiliates too.
The most important key to catching their interest? Offering a product their particular list will love.
Observing The Two Ts?
Still frustrated? Theres one final step to take: Test and track, to make sure there isnt some glitch in the checkout process. And if all else fails, and your worst fear is confirmed - affiliates review it and are lukewarm, well time to face the facts:
You birthed a lemon. (Dont worry: It was good experience, and youll do better next time!)
But all is not lost. Ever hear of Re-purposing? Treat your product like PLR.
Rip it apart, throw away the bad bits, and create something fresh, sparkly and new out of the ashes perhaps an email course, an audio course, or several blog posts or articles.
Thats my final tip never start over, when you can create a wonderful new dish out of ingredients you've already got.
Do you want to know more about how easy it is to build a simple passive income?
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